
22000:- Swedish Kronor

CX-10, 14 & 16 Master

Finally the CX series is availbe in 10,14 & 16 hole versions! I am of course not the first person to make these, I believe Brendan Power was the first person to offer them to the public back in 2000-2006, but now they are back again!

You'll get all the benefits of the CX-12 but with either 10, 14 or 16 holes. 2 CX-12 harmonicas are cut up and then joined together seamlessly. This takes a lot of time and effort to make, it's a precision work that is done on the milling machine.

  • 10 hole available in C,D,E,F,G,A,Bb
  • 14 & 16 hole available in C, other keys on request
  • Modified slider
  • Super silent slide modification add 1500:- SEK
  • Tremendous volume
  • Fully embossed
  • Polished reeds
  • Tuned to perfection