Reed work

We offer custom harmonicas with four levels of reed work, from basic (which is a step up from a stock harmonica) to top-of-the-line models, featuring the most extreme customizations available worldwide. We firmly believe there’s no such thing as an "overblow harmonica." When reeds and reed slots are properly set up, you automatically get perfect bends, overblows, and a big, powerful sound. Many people think you can’t play as hard on an overblow harmonica as you can on a non-overblow one, but that’s simply not true. With the right breathing techniques, you’ll find it easy to play these harmonicas—whether you’re after flawless bends, overblows, or just a harmonica with excellent overall response. No matter the model, the reed work is consistent. For example, the Master reed work in a Marine Band is the same as in a Chromonica 270.

Choosing the right reed work

The reeds are the heart of the harmonica—they have the biggest impact on response, volume, and sound quality. Other parts, like the comb and covers, make a smaller difference. Choosing the right reed work is crucial for your musical performance. We've all dealt with poor-quality harmonicas, and from our own experience, we can confidently say that a bad instrument can hold back your growth as a musician. When an instrument doesn't respond the way you want it to, it becomes a barrier to your creativity. On the other hand, a well-made instrument lets you focus on your music without distractions. Most players opt for the Master reed work for its exceptional performance vs price.

Click on the picture to view the model



- Well tuned

- Better bends than stock

- Improved response

- More volume than stock


- Great tuned

- Effortless bends

- Great response

- Huge volume

- Great bends

- Overblow 4,5,6

- Overdraw 7


- Perfect response

- Huge volume

- Great dynamics

- Smooth valve action (chrom.)

- Tuned to perfection

- Perfect bends

- Perfect overblows


- Incredible response

- Incredible volume

- Amazing dynamics

- Smooth valve action (chrom.)

- Tuned to perfection

- Reeds attached with. screws

- Incredible bends

- Incredible overblows